Every year, schools in Sedgemoor are invited to take part in some exciting and innovative activities as part of the Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival celebrations.
Ever since these carnival education projects were introduced, hundreds of pupils from Sedgemoor’s primary and secondary schools have been given the chance to demonstrate their artistic and creative talents. These projects now form an interesting and informative part of their curriculum, installing an interest in our event which, hopefully, will last a lifetime
Typical Carnival Educational Projects
With help from carnival experts, children are given the opportunity to use their imagination to construct their very own lanterns, using recycled materials, before taking part in a special lantern parade at the annual Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival fireworks display which heralds the start of the carnival celebrations. Leading the parade is a willow effigy of Guy Fawkes which is ceremoniously lit before the display by the president of Bridgwater Carnival.
The fireworks display is kindly sponsored by Bridgwater Town Council and the Guy Fawkes effigy is supplied courtesy of Somerset Willow.
Two parades take place on carnival day. The first involves children dancing and parading through Fore Street, Cornhill and High Street, and is choreographed by Robert Blake Science College’s Claire Stokes. The second is a lantern and model parade along the same route using items created for the Friday Fireworks & Fawkes parade.
Bridgwater Carnival provides interested schools and organisations with giant carnival masks for pupils to decorate and paint. The finished masks are then displayed in retail outlets in the town centre, creating a Carnival Mask trail for families to explore. There is a prize for the mask judged to be the best on display.
Children use their imagination to create their very own carnival cart on a theme of their choice. Prizes are given for the best models which are donated to the winning pupils’ schools.
Children are invited to write their own 500 word story about carnival and what it means to them, or a 40 line poem on the same topic. Once again prizes for the best story or poem will be donated to the schools of the winning pupils.

Chris Hocking, Bridgwater Carnival’s school liaison officer, said: “Involving children in Bridgwater Carnival activities is absolutely vital in ensuring the town’s carnival celebrations continue for many years to come. Every year we endeavour to include something for everyone as our aim is to encourage as many children as possible to engage in our activities”.
Schools who want to take part or who want more information about the current children carnival projects should contact Chris on 01278 428220 / 07980 391803 or by email.
The entire Bridgwater Carnival schools project programme is supported by Arts Council England.