What time does the 2018 Carnival start? Where does the squibbing take place? Can you tell me where I can get a programme? What times do the Park ‘n’ Ride buses leave? When is Jordan Hill or Ashley Quinn singing live?
So many questions from so many people, but fortunately our team of Carnival Makers will be on hand on carnival day to provide all the information the public will ever need. And this year they have a free map to give away, which has been kindly sponsored by Angel Place Shopping Centre, so that no-one forgets where everything is!
Easily spotted in their bright red sweatshirts, this band of volunteers will roam the town centre, from first thing in the morning until the evening procession, answering a myriad of questions and providing a vital service to ensure everyone enjoys a great carnival experience.
We are still looking for volunteers to join the team, so if you want to be part of the Bridgwater carnival experience, please get in touch. The only criteria is being over the age of 18 and having the confidence to talk to people about anything related to carnival.”
For more information, call in to the Carnival Centre, telephone 01278 428220 or email davestokes@bridgwatercarnival.org.uk.
You too could be part of making Bridgwater Carnival 2018.
download your own copy of the 2018 Carnival Map