Some news outlets have recently been using an irresponsible headline on an article about this year’s carnival.
The headline read ‘no crowd barriers or portable toilets at Bridgwater Carnival 2024’. This is factually an untrue statement.
Safety is and always will be our number one priority, and as you would expect both barriers and portable toilets form an essential part of our safety and crowd management
arrangements on the night.
As a responsible organising committee, clearly we would not stage a carnival without either item.
In the past both the district and unitary councils have kindly paid for the portable toilets and the crowd control barriers erected around the Admiral Blake statue for our event. As has been well documented, Somerset Council are not in a position to do that this year.
So we are looking at alternative ways to cover some or all of these ever increasing costs, and we are holding positive discussions with other partners about potentially supporting us.
Ultimately the more help and support we receive from partners, sponsors, and the public, the more money we are able to donate to charities, community groups and clubs at the end of the carnival year.
Commentators have estimated our carnival is worth £4 million to the local economy every year – £2 million over the Bridgwater Carnival weekend and £2 million throughout the year. In addition, in the past two years, approximately £65,000 has been donated to good causes, local charities and clubs as a result of carnival related activities.
Since the misleading and false headline first hit the media outlets, we have been dealing from queries from concerned members of the public and local residents. This just goes to show how damaging an incorrect headline can be, and the potential reputational harm it can cause to an organisation and to people. One way or another, we will have portable toilets and crowd control barriers around Admiral Blake at this year’s carnival.
So finally, an appeal to headline writers everywhere, and on all subjects. Please think twice before publishing a headline, and please make sure it’s right. Thank you.
For all of the latest Bridgwater Carnival news, visit or our official social media channels – Facebook (@BridgwaterGuyFawkesCarnival), Twitter (@BCarnival), Instagram (@bridgwatercarnival), and TikTok (@bridgwater_carnival).
Until the next time.
Dave Stokes
Publicity Director
Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival